Welcome to your Partner area.

It is here that you will be able to manage and track your Arqualea sponsoring campaigns.

If you don't know our partnership programs, here is a little reminder.

On arqualez, you can be a partner in three ways.

1/ site partners.

The main pages of the Arquelea site display a scrolling ribbon of partners.

In the partner area, you can create your own block with an image, a comment text for mouse users (tooltip type) and a link to your page. You will also be able to create your campaigns.

The sponsorship price is established dynamically, according to the number of visitors to the site. So, the earlier you book your spaces, the cheaper they will be. The price set for a campaign is the price of the day of the order.
The payment is immediate and the order is non-reversible.

Once your block is defined, you will be able to place it in the calendar and reserve one of the 5 available spaces on the following pages:
  • Home
  • Game space
  • Profile
  • Dashborad
  • News
  • more (more information), which contains several tabs with useful information for the player.

Whatever language you have chosen for the interface, you will have access to the French and English calendars.

Warning! Sponsorship spaces are distinct. If you wish to be visible to the French-speaking population as well as to the international population, you will have to book your space on the French and international calendars.
Thus, one day of sponsoring on the whole site will cost you the French daily price + the English daily price.

When a space is not reserved at the time of the broadcast, it is allocated to one of the non-governmental organizations that we have chosen to highlight.

2 / riddle partners.

All riddle have both a video and a text mode display. The video ad that you will have to create must therefore contain an image, a tooltip type text and necessarily a video ,h264 codec format.

Each time the text window of the riddle is displayed, your image and text will be shown.

Each time the riddle is viewed, your ad will be shown. Contrary to the sponsoring site, the riddle partnership is carried out riddle by riddle: to each riddle its partner.

The training riddles will be put online pogressively from the beginning of the game and will remain available throughout the season.

It can therefore be very interesting to sponrise them according to their longevity.

Regular season riddles are the most popular among players as they lead to the game itself, the rankings and the cash price. Because they are released each week, they have a different lifespan and the price is adjusted accordingly. The first riddle will be live for ten weeks, the last one only one week. However, after the competition, they will be moved in training riddles until the beginning of the next season.

Being a riddle sponsor therefore requires a good knowledge of the game's schedule.

Training camp: from 1/1/2021 to 4/3/2021 (3 riddles)
Pre-season: from 5/3/2021 to 22/6/2021 (3 riddles)
Regular season: from 23/6/2021 to September 1st (10 riddles)

However, the production keep the right to provide players additional training riddles during the training camp and pre-season periods. So stay tuned.

3 / game partners.

Game partners are partners who do not necessarily appear as sponsors on the game site but who address directly the players.

How do they do it? By offering them riddle codes or answer codes that are valuable for the players.

Partners can purchase these codes in packs, keeping in mind that each code is unique.

Clue codes allow players to get a clue on any riddle, within the limit of the 5 clues allowed per riddle and per player.
Answer codes allow players to propose additional answers within the limit of the 4 additional answers allowed per riddle and per player.

Partners will be able to acquire these unique code packs on the partner space and offer them as a prize in their games or promotional operations.

Yet, it's strictly forbidden to resell them. Riddle or answer codes are, for example, excellent boosters to increase followers and views on social networks.